How to STUDY Efficiently

 Some Simple Techniques To Study Efficiently

The school is going to reopen. Some higher classes are already started. Students are in a dilemma, because of this lockdown. 

Don't worry. Let's take it as a challenge. Studying is not as difficult as we think .It is all our mind set.

When we are students, we all think that oh God  I want to grow immediately like my father or mother.So I don't need to study anymore. But when we grown up,we want to go back to our childhood days.

That's what I said ,Its all about our mind sets only.

Actually, school days are the best days in our life.Lots of friends ,loose talks,chill outs, small small Quarellings,games etc etc....We don't have any responsibilities. We don't need to think about next day. We can enjoy each and every moment. 

But when we grown up,we have lots of responsibilities. 

Don't feel that studying is a burden. There are lots of techniques to learn Efficiently. 

These are some simple tips ,I wish to share here;

1.prepare our mind.

First thing we should do is to prepare our mind to learn something. We must focus on the portions to be completed. 

2.Choose time 

Second thing we should do is to select a time which you like to study. It can be in the morning or in the evening. Any time of your choice.

3.Choose the subject 

Next,we should select the subject. It is good to select the subject which is very difficult for us.Because it takes more time for difficult subjects to complete. After finishing the difficult subjects, we feel like a big task is completed.

4.Select a calm atmosphere 

Atmosphere is very important for studying. A calm atmosphere with less distractions allow us to learn more.

5.Take snacks, water 

You can take some snacks and water to have it during the intervals.

 Take necessary books only.

Don't make the study area messy. That itself change our mind. If we finds lots of books here and there ,then we feel irritated.


The study area should be neat and clean. A neat area calms our mind and gives us a happiness.

8.Create timetable

You should maintain a timetable. It provides a well organized study pattern.

8.Follow timetable,take necessary breaks.

Learn according to the timetable. Take breaks after half an hour of study if necessary.

9. Do regular practice 

Learn daily. Practice makes us perfect. We can do writing practices for maths and ACCOUNTING subjects. During the week ends we can do some tests at home itself with the help of elders at our home. It can help us to find the depth of knowledge about each subject's and also get an idea to improve which area.

10. Finish all portions 

Whatever portions taught in the class,we must revise it in the home also. Make a thorough knowledge about the portions. Finish learning all the portions before Examination.Don't  wait for the last minute to learn. 

11. Revision 

Revisions are compulsory.Revise two three times before examination.

12. Confident 

After finishing  revisions,we must be confident enough to  face the examinations.

Avoid fear.If you have knowledge about the portions then don't worry. We can write the examinations easily and confidently.

Study from today itself. Don't wait for tomorrow 

Please share and  like  the blog,if the  informations published are helpful. 

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  1. Good.Cover it more deeply so that student can build up their style of studying and be confident .


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